The Connecticut Humane Society is a private nonprofit. It’s not affiliated with any national groups and does not receive any government funding. That’s why your gift makes such an impact. On behalf of the pets in need who count on your support for their daily care, medical treatment and new beginnings, thank you!
CHS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation and your donation is fully tax-deductible to the amount allowed by law. As an organization rated by Charity Navigator (an independent organization that evaluates nonprofit accountability, financial health and transparency), you can rest assured that your gift is a sound investment that will make a lasting impact on pets.
Learn more about how your contributions help the people and pets of Connecticut every day. Visit this link to view the most recent IRS 990s and Audited Financial Statements.
Here’s how you can make a difference:
1. Donate cryptocurrency
Gifts of Bitcoin, Ethereum or other crypto makes for big savings—saving pets’ lives, and savings in your wallet (like avoiding capital gains and maybe even facilitating an income tax deduction). Donate crypto in a just a matter of seconds here.

Why I Give
For Chris A., a gift to CHS becomes emergency surgery at CHS’ Fox Memorial Clinic for a dog whose family can’t afford it. Or medicine for a pet whose family is going through a tough time. Chris, who recently adopted a pitty pup from CHS, has been giving to the pets for years. “I particularly like the Connecticut Humane Society because I like that there are programs to help people keep their dogs when they’re sick. It’s a great program because I know so many people have to make hard decisions,” she says.
2. Make a gift by mail, in person, or online
Mail a gift to CHS’ administrative office (701 Russell Road, Newington, CT 06111) or drop off your donation at the location nearest you (listed at the bottom of this page). Gifts made electronically by clicking on the red donate button at the top of any page are also welcome.
3. Planned giving and estate planning
By including CHS as a beneficiary of your will, trust, life insurance or retirement plan, you will provide a lasting testament to your love of pets and save thousands of lives. Read more about planned giving, including how you can use CHS’ tool to make a legal will in 20 minutes or less at no personal cost here.
4. Donor advised fund
A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to the Connecticut Humane Society and other qualified charities. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.
5. Workplace and corporate giving
There are many ways for your business to make a difference. Join your workplace giving program. Already made a gift online or by mail? See if your employer will match it. Inquire about corporate engagement activities with CHS, or learn about a co-venture partnership, where a portion of your sales come to CHS pets.
6. IRA donations
If you’re age 70½ or older, you may be able to use your Required Minimum Distribution for a charitable gift to CHS pets, without paying any tax on the distribution! Here’s your advantage as a donor: The charitable gift satisfies the requirement for a minimum distribution, but never appears as income, nor is it taxed! Everybody wins (especially pets in need)! Work with your financial planner to process this gift.
7. Gifts of shares of stock
A gift of appreciated stock generally offers a two-fold tax advantage: 1) you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock, and 2) you may be eligible receive an income-tax deduction for the full fair-market value of the stock at the time of the gift. Share this important information with your financial planner or tax advisor.
8. Pets’ wish list
Your support of the CHS Wish List keeps homeless pets comfortable while they await a fresh start, as well as supports families who are going through a rough patch by keeping their pets at home and out of a shelter.
9. Donate your vehicle
Support CHS pets by donating your car. It’s free and tax deductible.
CHS will never sell or share its mailing lists, and consequently, your contact information, with other organizations. View CHS’ Donor Bill of Rights and Privacy Policy for more information.