Challenging or undesirable behavior is one of the leading reasons why animals are relinquished to shelters. If you are struggling with your pet’s behavior, CHS suggests that you contact a trainer early on. This will give you the best chance at identifying and modifying your pet’s undesirable behavior. Some behaviors are simple training issues, others are more complex and will require a trainer with a behavior modification skill set. But the first step is to identify the problem and contact a professional to help.

If your pet was adopted from the Connecticut Humane Society, you may decide to reach out to CHS as your first step. CHS offers complimentary behavior consultations for alumni for six months after the date of adoption. The service includes an initial phone consultation, a detailed questionnaire, and an in-person consultation (if appropriate). As needed, we can also provide one follow-up appointment, and three months of phone/email follow-up. This service is only available to pets who have been adopted from CHS.

If an adopter needs a behavior consultation after those six months, the service is available for a fee. The first in-person consultation is $50 and each additional appointment is $35 per hour.

To request a behavior consultation, please click on the button below and fill out the online Behavior Consultation History form. Please allow the staff up to 72 hours to respond.

If you are more comfortable writing things down, download and complete the Behavioral History Questionnaire. Then call or email the Behavior and Training Department at the CHS location where you adopted your pet. Please allow the staff up to 72 hours to respond to your inquiry.

Staff members are trained to discuss and modify a range of behavior concerns for both dogs and cats, including house soiling, litter box avoidance, unruly behavior, destructive behavior, separation anxiety, leash reactivity and aggression. While the staff is highly trained and experienced, CHS reserves the right to refuse service if it believes your pet would benefit from another program or if your pet may put the staff at serious risk.

If you purchased or adopted your pet from another rescue organization, breeder or pet store, we suggest you contact a reputable service, like Pet Education and Therapy, LLC., that supports pet owners with behavior concerns by offering consultations. Please visit Pet Education and Therapy, LLC. for more information or contact Audrey Tucker by phone at 860-667-2663.


Becca Meyer, Behavior Coordinator
800-452-0114, x6210,

Rachel McCarthy, Behavior Coordinator
800-452-0114, x6505,

Delia Nolan, Behavior Coordinator
800-452-0114, x6603,