After our MN Humane Society dog passed away at age 15, and after our foster dog of 6 mos found his forever home, it was time for a new forever dog. Scouring websites of, FB, CL, Rescues, Fosters, Animal control, and CT Humane society looking for a dog-friend in need, late Saturday a cutie face caught our hearts on the Westport Humane Society! We rushed the next morning to be there when the doors opened since we knew she’d be gone if we waited too long!! Her name was Heidi, now named Ruby! As soon as she got home, she fell in love with the grandchildren, and was showered with toys, chewies, and treats! It took her a week to let her guard down and accept her new best dog-friend, who she now wrestles, walks with, and shares her toys! We absolutely love her and look forward to many playful years and tons of snuggles!