We make plans and schedules and to-do lists for so much in our lives. But there might be one really important plan you haven’t gotten to yet: a legal will.
To make it easy, the Connecticut Humane Society has partnered with FreeWill to provide an online will-writing tool for friends of the pets, like you. Protect yourself, your family and pets you love.
It’s an essential step toward safeguarding what matters to you most — so that Uncle Sam doesn’t decide for you. Making a will on FreeWill:
- takes as little as 20 minutes
- is free
- takes you step-by-step through all the things you should include
- doesn’t ask for sensitive information (like a social security number)
- even includes a pet guardian feature that allows you to select a person (or animal welfare organization) to care for your pet
You’ll have the opportunity to designate an estate gift in your plans to CHS pets or other charitable causes that are important to you. It’s not at all a requirement for using FreeWill, but it’s a quick, easy way to change countless pets’ lives for generations to come.
Once you complete your will, you can print the document and receive instructions on how to finalize it based on state requirements.
It’s the best way to get peace of mind and protect the people and pets you care about today, tomorrow and long into the future.
Have questions about FreeWill? Contact Kerry Garofano at 800-452-0114, ext. 6328, or kgarofano@cthumane.org.