A beneficiary designation allows you to support what matters most to you using assets you already have, while also retaining flexibility. It is a perfect giving instrument in lieu of or in addition to making a gift to a charity via a will. Some common ways of making a beneficiary designation include through:

  • IRAs and retirement plans (If you’re 70 ½ or older, you can also use your IRA to benefit the pets right now. Click here to learn more.)
  • Life insurance policies
  • Donor advised funds
  • Commercial annuities

Naming the Connecticut Humane Society as a beneficiary of one of your accounts is quick, easy and simple. Here’s how:

  1. Contact the administrator of your retirement plan, insurance policy, bank account or donor advised fund for a change-of-beneficiary form or download it from your provider’s website.
  2. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like CHS to receive and name CHS, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
  3. Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.