"*" indicates required fields

Please select the CHS location where you will be volunteering:*
I understand that I will not receive any compensation for my volunteer service or any purchases made without prior authorization.*
I understand that there are risks involved when working with animals and will not hold CHS responsible for injury, illness or property damage.*
I have read the Foster Handbook and agree to follow the guidelines. I agree to follow all instructions regarding daily care of my foster pet and will bring them back to CHS for any required appointments.*
I understand that all foster pets are considered property of CHS and are to be returned as directed. CHS reserves the right to examine the animal or request their return at any time.*
I understand that fostering does not guarantee I can adopt my foster pet. I will let my Foster Coordinator know ASAP if I want to adopt or have a friend or family member interested in adopting.*
I will keep foster pets separated from resident animals if CHS deems it necessary for certain assignments.*
I agree to keep all resident dogs and cats in the home current on their rabies vaccines. Proof of their vaccination status may be required in certain circumstances such as a bite incident between an owned pet and a foster pet.*
I understand that I must contact CHS immediately if my foster pet becomes ill and will adhere to the after-hours emergency agreement outlined in the Foster Handbook. I understand that I should not take my foster pet to my own veterinarian and that CHS is not responsible for any veterinary bills I incur.*
I understand that I am to contact my Foster Coordinator immediately if my foster pet bites someone or exhibits any behavioral issues (ex. aggression, litter box avoidance, separation anxiety, etc.).*
I understand that CHS reserves the right to dismiss a volunteer from service if the relationship is not mutually beneficial.*
I authorize CHS to use any photographs or other audiovisual images taken of me for promotional use, educational activities, or for any other use for the benefit of the organization.*
I certify that: I am at least 18 years old and I have active health insurance.*
MM slash DD slash YYYY