Oliver story page

Old pups have something to wag about this summer… The Grey Muzzle Organization announced the recipients of its annual grants, and Connecticut Humane Society dogs were among the winners!

CHS was one of 78 animal welfare groups chosen from 344 applicants to receive a grant to help local senior dogs. The winning groups received more than $705,000 in grants to help save or improve the lives of at-risk old dogs in their communities.

With this grant to CHS, senior dogs in the care of municipal animal control agencies will gain life-changing access to medical care. That means everything to dogs like Oliver, a nine-year-old Chihuahua picked up by animal control whose mouth was so painful that he needed not one, but two, dental surgeries to “smile” again. And to pitties like Mamas, whose future was uncertain when her dad got laid off and she needed surgery to remove a very troublesome mass. Thanks to Grey Muzzle’s support, senior dogs get a fresh start…which means them finding new loving homes, or trotting back to the homes they already know and love.

Over the past 14 years, the national nonprofit Grey Muzzle Organization has provided more than $3.8 million in grants to support its vision of “a world where no old dog dies alone and afraid.”

“Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we’re delighted to help deserving organizations like the Connecticut Humane Society make a difference in the lives of dogs and people in their communities,” Grey Muzzle’s Executive Director Lisa Lunghofer said. “Many senior dogs in Connecticut are enjoying their golden years in loving homes thanks to the wonderful work of CHS.”