Thanks for contacting CHS on Facebook! Please review the list of the most frequently asked questions below to see if CHS already has the answer you need.
How do I adopt a pet from CHS? Do I need an appointment? What are the adoption fees?
Visit this link to read all about CHS’ adoption process, fees, locations and operating hours.
Is the pet I'm interested in still available?
All of the currently available pets are listed on CHS’ website in the Adopt section. The list is automatically updated every 5 minutes. If the pet you are interested in is not listed, it means they are no longer available for adoption.
I have a pet that I can no longer keep. Can I surrender to CHS?
Having to surrender a pet is such a difficult decision. Please call CHS’ special phone hotline to talk about surrendering your pet at 800-452-0114. You may also visit CHS’ Pet Intake page for more information.
How do I volunteer?
So glad you want to be involved! Please visit CHS’ Volunteer web page to find out more, review available opportunities, and apply to be a volunteer.
I am concerned about the treatment of an animal at a fair, circus, or other venue where they are on display.
CHS understands your concerns. Investigations are handled by animal control officers in towns and the state, per state law, so you definitely want to reach out to them. They may have heard about the issue you’re concerned with already from seeing it on social media or from others, but it doesn’t hurt to contact them and make your concerns known. There are other things you can do too, including contacting your local legislators, fair associations, sponsors and organizers of the fair, and state representatives.
I have a concern about a wild animal in my yard.
CHS is unable to handle wildlife. Here are some resources for you to contact:
- Your local animal control officer
- Connecticut Dept of Energy and Environmental Protection Wildlife Division
- Connecticut Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Association