Did you know October is Black Cat Awareness Month? Venus here wanted to spread the word. Black cats have been the subjects of superstition for a long time. Many people know of the old wives’ tale about black cats causing bad luck if they cross your path. According to some folklore, black cats are witches in disguise. But Venus says that’s all a load of cat litter! She’s totally capable of bewitching you, but that’s just because she’s adorable. And black cats crossing your path are simply on their way to charm someone for treats.
If Venus could speak English, she’d describe herself as an easy-to-care-for couch potato who is satisfied by the little things in life like a full belly, clean litter pan, and nice sun spot to nap in. No bad luck in sight! Though she’d experienced a bit of bad luck herself when she was left all by herself in a cold and lonely (maybe even haunted) house back in March. Thankfully a Good Samaritan picked her up and brought her to CHS where she’d get a fresh start and all the care she needed.
At 8-years-old, this pretty kitty still has 9 lives to live and give to the right family. She’s spayed, micro-chipped, and up to date on all her vaccines just like all the other kitties at the Connecticut Humane Society, and she’d love to find a home during Black Cat Awareness Month! And even if she’s not a witch in disguise, Venus is sure to bring a little magic into someone’s life.
Check out Venus and the other miniature panthers (and other pets!) looking for love at CThumane.org/Adopt.