Animal cruelty is a community problem and it takes all of us, working together, to prevent pets from suffering. In Connecticut, local animal control has the legal jurisdiction and responsibility to investigate cruelty complaints and to take necessary action. Find out how you can help prevent cruelty in your neighborhood.

  1. Know the law. In order to help your local animal control officer (ACO) enforce anti-cruelty statutes it is important to know and understand the law. Read about Connecticut’s Anti-Cruelty Laws. 
  2. Recognize the signs of cruelty in order to make effective reports to your local ACO.
  3. Report suspected acts of cruelty and neglect to your local ACO. These individuals have the legal jurisdiction to investigate cruelty complaints and take necessary action. Learn the steps to make an effective report.
  4. Work with lawmakers to change and improve current State law. Learn about the pending bills and urge your State Representatives and Senators to pass anti-cruelty legislation.
  5. Put “puppy mills” out of business. They are only interested in profit which comes at the expense of the animals. Looking for a puppy? Don’t go to a pet store, visit a local adoption center instead and adopt a homeless pet. Learn more about puppy mills.